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Workflow Actions error when scheduling

Article to troubleshoot the issue when your client tries to schedule an appointment

Jason Casuga avatar
Written by Jason Casuga
Updated over a week ago

Is your client getting this error when they try to schedule an appointment with you?

This happens because there are missing actions within the appointment type since it was converted into Workflow mode.

When an appointment type is converted to Workflow mode, it must have these actions in the When the client schedules their appointment trigger:


  • Create a contact in ConnectWise PSA.

  • Create a service ticket in ConnectWise PSA.

  • Create a schedule entry in the scheduled user's ConnectWise PSA calendar OR Create an activity in ConnectWise PSA.


  • Create a contact in Autotask.

  • Create a service ticket in Autotask.

  • Create a service call for the scheduled user(s) in Autotask. OR Create a company to-do for the scheduled user(s) in Autotask.


  • Create a user in HaloPSA.

  • Create an appointment in HaloPSA

Although these actions are required, TimeZest will have logic to know how to handle these actions if they're not needed. For example, if a TimeZest user's profile is set to write the appointment to their Microsoft 365 calendar, then TimeZest will skip the action to create the appointment on their PSA calendar.

If your client still continues to receive the error, please contact our Support team by starting a conversation using the yellow the chatbot on the lower right side of the screen in the TimeZest app.

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