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1. TimeZest's Email Editor
Seth Wilson avatar
Written by Seth Wilson
Updated over a year ago

TimeZest originally launched our custom HTML emails feature in 2019, which allowed administrators to customize the emails that TimeZest sends out during the scheduling process.

But editing the complex templates was difficult, not least because developing HTML for emails is something of an arcane art, with a lot of hackery and black magic required to generate emails that look good across all the common email clients from Outlook to Gmail to Apple Mail, and to create emails that work well when seen both in a desktop client as well as on mobile devices.

That's why TimeZest has developed a new, WYSIWYG ("What You See Is What You Get") email editor that allows email templates to be edited by anyone, without needing specialist knowledge, or having to dive into HTML code.

Let's take a tour through the new email editor, so we can see all the features.

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