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Increasing TimeZest pod size

How to increase the size of the TimeZest pod inside ConnectWise PSA

Johannah Strobaugh avatar
Written by Johannah Strobaugh
Updated over a week ago

As TimeZest has improved and added features, we've increased the default size of the pod we create in ConnectWise PSA. If you installed TimeZest some time ago, your pod may have been configured with an older, smaller value, which can make it difficult to use all the features in the pod.

This article will walk you through how to increase the size of the pod and improve the overall experience using the TimeZest pod.

  • Inside ConnectWise PSA go to System > Setup Tables

  • Search Manage Hosted API > TimeZest

  • Locate the Pod Height and update it to 380 pixels, or an even higher value if you wish TimeZest to have more screen space. This setting will apply to all members in ConnectWise PSA.

  • Repeat steps for both the Service Tickets and Project Tickets screens.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out by clicking on the chatbox to the right or at [email protected].

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