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The TimeZest Dashboard

Use the dashboard to review audit trails, cancel meetings, and download reports.

Johannah Strobaugh avatar
Written by Johannah Strobaugh
Updated over a week ago

Intro to the dashboard

  1. Locate the dashboard in-app by clicking on the TimeZest logo.

  2. Monitor your team's usage and overall statistics.

  3. Review and manage scheduling requests and troubleshoot with detailed audit trails.

TimeZest Usage

  1. Adjust the date range of your TimeZest Usage view, this also controls the date range for downloading a report.

  2. Download a CSV file that can show a list of scheduling requests, including all the data about the end users, the times, dates, and scheduled users. This allows you to edit and analyze the data needed within an Excel document.

  3. Review your Open Rate and Completion Rate statistics against averages of other TimeZest Customers to evaluate how your TimeZest is performing for you.

Scheduling Requests

This is a running log of all scheduling requests made with TimeZest by your company.

  1. Open each scheduling request to review an in-depth audit trail.

  2. Monitor the status of scheduling requests; sent, scheduled, or canceled.

  3. Cancel scheduled meetings or sent invitations.

Canceling Scheduled Appointments / Sent invitations

Appointments and open scheduling requests can be canceled directly from the dashboard and from within the specific audit trail.

Things to know:

  • Useful if the appointment was scheduled via Shareable URL.

  • This button will only display if the scheduling request hasn't yet been scheduled, or if the scheduled appointment time is in the future.

  • If this is a scheduled appointment, a cancellation reason box will populate. This will email your scheduled contact a custom message along with marking their calendar entry as "Cancelled".

Audit trail

The audit trail breaks down every individual action in the TimeZest workflow for each scheduling request. This is a useful tool for troubleshooting. A Cancel Appointment button will show only if the scheduled appointment time is in the future.

If you want to edit the individual workflow actions taken, learn more here: Introduction to Workflows.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out by clicking on the chatbox to the right or at [email protected].

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