The Create an appointment in HaloPSA action creates an appointment in HaloPSA. This action requires that a HaloPSA user is associated with the scheduling request (usually by using the Create a user in HaloPSA action). If a HaloPSA ticket is associated with the scheduling request, this will be linked to the created appointment, but this is not a requirement.
This action is available when your TimeZest account is connected to HaloPSA.
Configuration Options
This action can be configured with the following options:
The Appointment Type dropdown determines the appointment type of the appointment created in HaloPSA. The values in this field are read from the list of Appointment Types defined in HaloPSA (these are not the same as appointment types defined in TimeZest).
The Subject field is the title of the appointment.
The Notes field determines what TimeZest will add to the Notes field in the appointment that it creates.
Both the Subject and Notes field can have variables interpolated into them. To insert a variable, press Ctrl + { and select from the list of variables.
The Alert dropdown instructs TimeZest to set a reminder alert in HaloPSA for the appointment it creates.
Additional Logic
This action will only create an appointment for those scheduled users who have HaloPSA configured as their writeable calendar on their user configuration page. For other users, it will do nothing.
A typical example of this is when scheduling appointments for users who have Office 365 set as their writeable calendar, in which case there should also be a Create Office 365 action in the workflow. TimeZest has logic to automatically ensure this action is there in the majority of cases, and additional logic to ensure that users can actually be scheduled when creating a scheduling request in the pod.
This action will also be skipped when none of the scheduled users is configured to have HaloPSA as their calendar.