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Action: Add a Note to a ConnectWise PSA ticket
Action: Add a Note to a ConnectWise PSA ticket

A workflow action for adding notes to CWM service tickets

Seth Wilson avatar
Written by Seth Wilson
Updated over 7 months ago

The Add a note to a ConnectWise PSA ticket action can add a entirely configurable note to the ConnectWise PSA service ticket associated with a scheduling request when it executes.

This action is available when your TimeZest account is connected to ConnectWise PSA.

Configuration Options

This action can be configured with the following options:

Note Content is the content of the note which will be added to the service ticket.

The text in blue backgrounds are variables, which TimeZest will replace with the actual values for the ticket / scheduling request when it generates the text for the note. When editing the note content, you can insert a variable by pressing Ctrl + { (i.e. Control and the left curly brace), which will display a list of all variables. Typing a few additional characters will filter this, and you can either click on the variable you want to insert, or use the arrow keys and press enter to insert it.

The complete list of variables which TimeZest can insert into a note is the following:

  • Account Name- The name of your TimeZest account- i.e. "FipTech"

  • Appointment Cancelled By - a string that indicates if a canceled appointment was canceled by the client or a technician. It will have the value of either "client" or "technician".

  • Appointment Duration - the duration of the appointment meeting.

  • Appointment External Name - the external name for the appointment, as configured in the appointment type.

  • Appointment Internal Name - the internal name for the appointment, as configured in the appointment type.

  • Appointment Scheduled from Pod- the appointment was scheduled from the TimeZest Pod/ Insight inside a ticket.

  • Appointment Scheduled via URL scheduling- the appointment was scheduled using URL-Based Scheduling.

  • Appointment Scheduled with shareable URL- the appointment was scheduled using a Shareable URL.

  • Appointment Start Time (Client TZ) - the time the customer has selected for their appointment, formatted as a long string, e.g. "1:30 pm on Wednesday, July 7, 2022 (Eastern Time (US & Canada))". This time will be in the time zone used by the client when they scheduled their appointment.

  • Appointment Start Time (Scheduled User TZ) - the time the customer has selected for their appointment, formatted as a long string, e.g. "1:30 pm on Wednesday, July 7, 2022 (Eastern Time (US & Canada))". This time will be in the time zone configured for the first scheduled user.

  • Cancellation Reason - the cancellation reason, if given, when an appointment has been canceled by a client.

  • Client can Reschedule Appointment - if the client is able to cancel or reschedule the appointment, the variable will display "true".

  • Client Company Name - the name of the client's company.

  • Client Email Address - the client's email address.

  • Client First Name - the first name of the client.

  • Client Full Name - the full name of the client.

  • Client Last Name - the last name of the client.

  • Client Phone Number - the phone number given by the client when scheduling.

  • Client Phone Type - the phone number type selected by the client when scheduling

  • Client Time Zone - the time zone used by the client when scheduling their appointment.

  • Closed Loop Ticket Number - the service ticket's number in text format.

  • Issue Description - the Summary line of the ticket.

  • Link to Ticket in PSA - HTML output of the link to the service ticket.

  • Online Meeting Client URL - the URL that the client should use to join the online meeting for an appointment if one has been created.

  • Online Meeting Password - the password needed to join the online meeting, if one has been created.

  • Online Meeting Technician URL - the URL that the technician should use to join the online meeting for an appointment if one has been created.

  • Online Meeting Type - a string indicating the type of online meeting - either "Zoom" or "Microsoft Teams".

  • Rescheduling URL - the URL a client can use to reschedule if rescheduling is permitted.

  • Resource Names - the names of the resources for the appointment, joined into a sentence.

  • Scheduled User Email Addresses- the email addresses of the scheduled users.

  • Scheduled User Names - the names of the scheduled users, joined into a sentence.

  • Scheduling URL - the URL the client can use to schedule their appointment.

  • Ticket Number - the number of the ticket associated with a scheduling request, if one is associated.

  • Ticket Summary - the summary of the ticket associated with a scheduling request.

  • Ticket URL that a technician can use to access the corresponding ticket if one exists.

Each paragraph has a "condition" which determines, based on if a variable actually has a value or not, whether TimeZest includes it in the note it generates. In the examples above, TimeZest will always include the first paragraph in the note it creates in ConnectWise PSA, but only include the second and third paragraphs when there is a value for the Online Meeting Technician URL and Online Meeting Password variables respectively.

To edit the condition for a paragraph, simply click on the grey right margin, and select the condition:

The note type control determines what type of note is created in ConnectWise PSA, and these correspond to the three tabs shown in the notes section against a ticket in ConnectWise PSA. At least one of the three types must be selected, as ConnectWise PSA requires this.

Additional Logic

If no service ticket is associated with a scheduling request - for example, when scheduling an activity which doesn't require a service ticket to be created - this action will simply by skipped by TimeZest.

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