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How am I billed for TimeZest?

How TimeZest bills you, including as you activate and deactivate members.

Seth Wilson avatar
Written by Seth Wilson
Updated over 8 months ago

Your subscription to TimeZest is billed either monthly or annually, and automatically charged to your credit card. You will be billed on the same day of each billing period, which is the day of the month you signed up or one year for the annual plans - for example, if you activated your subscription on January 17, you will be billed on February 17, March 17 and so on. This is varied slightly if you activate your account on the last day of each month, in which case you may be billed a day or two earlier if a month does not have the particular day. Subscriptions are billed in advance.
TimeZest only updates subscriptions with our payment provider as you activate and deactivate members once per day, in the early hours of the morning. This is done to minimize the the number of charges we make to your credit card, and make your accounting easier.ย 

When you activate a new member, you will be charged a prorated amount for their subscription until the next billing day. This is done so that all members renew at the same time, and can be billed for in a single invoice, so keeping your accounting simpler.

When you deactivate a member, you will receive a credit for the remaining, prorated amount of their subscription. This will be applied to your next invoice, which will be reduced by that amount.

When you activate and deactivate a number of members in the same day, TimeZest will only issue a new charge or refund for the net change in your subscription. This can mean, for example, if you activate a member and deactivate another member on the same day, it will have no effect on your billing.

TimeZest also offers an Annual plan to charge your account, in advance, for an entire year. There are added discount benefits to switching to the Annual plan. For more information, review the Annual Plan FAQ.

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