Often times, the client doesn't need to get immediate service and is not available today to meet with you. So when they book a TimeZest appointment, they choose a date/time some time in the future. In between that time, the issue on the ticket can be resolved and you no longer need the appointment.
Instead of remembering (and often forgetting) to cancel the future appointment on the ticket, TimeZest can automatically cancel the appointment or scheduling request on the ticket for you when that ticket is set to a Closed status.
TimeZest will run a check every 5 minutes on tickets that are in a status that is considered "Closed" and has an appointment that is about to start within 1 hour.
TimeZest will also run a daily check at 3am UTC on tickets that are in a status that is considered "Closed" and has an appointment that is about to start within 10 days.
If any of the two conditions are met on the ticket, then the appointment will be cancelled.
Classic Configuration
To set up each appointment type to enable this capability, navigate into the appointment type's settings and click the Scheduling Options section to expand it. Under the Closed Ticket Handling section, enable the toggle "Cancel any appointments if the ticket is closed" and save.
Workflow Mode
For appointment types in Workflow mode, add the new trigger in the Trigger Type drop-down called, "When the associated ticket is closed with upcoming appointments or scheduling requests":
When adding this trigger, we suggest to add the following actions:
Remove all associated appointments and online meetings
Add a note to a [PSA] ticket.
Once this setting is enabled, simply work through your tickets and close them as usual. TimeZest will monitor any tickets that have an open appointment or pending scheduling request and cancel them when the ticket is set to a Closed status.
TimeZest will then remove all associated appointments and online meetings (freeing up the user's calendar) as well as add a note to the ticket indicating that the appointment or scheduling request has been cancelled because the ticket was closed.
We intentionally left out another email to be sent to the client because they would already know the appointment is no longer needed. If you wish to add an email to be sent, you can add the "Send an email to the client" action letting them know the appointment was cancelled.